Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Voting For Your Own Demise!

I will no longer participate in the American political process, because doing so makes me complicit in my own demise as a free-thinking person!  This is certainly a mouthful, and I understand that this will cause many of my family and friends to cringe, and look at me sideways; at any rate, the truth must be spoken.

I Understand the History
Yes, I know that many people gave their lives in the cause of having the right to vote.  Blacks, whites, and other races, joined together in the 60’s to fight for civil rights in America.  Many of them were brutalized by police for having the audacity to fight for their rights to live as human beings and not as cattle, herded by the powers that be, and led to the proverbial slaughter.  After much work, pain, and bloodshed, civil rights came to fruition in America – but only as defined by the powers that be!
Yes, there were major changes that made life much better for all people in America.  These changes included many desegregation efforts as well as voting rights for all.  Now, you must remember, that the people who are responsible for the management of social order, had no choice but to finally give in to the demands of the masses.  You see, when the masses of people come together in a unified effort, in total disregard for race, religion, or political affiliation, division becomes unity, and unity brings victory.
The ruling class in America had a huge problem on their hands – a unified people!  They had to find a way to give the masses what they wanted, without relinquishing their ultimate control of the masses.  This would be a difficult challenge for the ruling class, because if this new civil rights amendment was to have any look of legitimacy, all people, men, women, black, white, etc., would have to be a working part of the government going forward.
Now there have always been political parties, but because of the civil rights movement of the masses, these parties had to become inclusive of those who were previously excluded, and they had to now defend those who were previously victimized by them!  This caused a flurry of active think-tanks to try and come up with a solution to a very big problem quickly - and they did!
The solution was a very subtle change, not to the structure of the political parties, but to their purpose!  The reason the civil rights movement was so effective against the American government was because the people were unified.  So, to keep this from happening again, the purpose of the political process was revised to that of being an instigator of division!  As long as the people are divided, there is no chance of another civil rights-type movement disrupting the plans of the ruling class.
This was the opportune time to seize this new direction, because the civil rights movement provided all the substance that division is made of; race, religion, age, gender, and sexual orientation.  With all of these issues at the core of civil rights, the ruling class needed only to find a way to use these issues as tools of division among the people.  As a result, the two major parties (Democrats and Republicans), became more than simply differing schools of thought, they became essentially archrivals, and they did so intentionally to create an atmosphere of intense division between their constituents!

Division Breeds Insanity
Today, the American people are so divided that the very concept of compromise on behalf of either party is frowned upon to the point that one’s career, or even their life may be at stake for the thought of it.  As a result, nothing gets accomplished in Washington, and the people become even more frustrated as they watch their peace and prosperity disappear before their eyes.  They lose their jobs, their homes, and their savings, while the government they vote for does nothing for them at all!
Every two and four years, the republicans vow to change their status in life by voting out those democrat bastards, and restoring America to its greatness.  At the same time, democrats vow to improve the lives of all Americans, by voting out those republican bastards, and bringing America back to its roots!
Every election cycle, the American people set themselves against one another in defense of the democratic or republican ideology.  Divided they stand, and divided they fall.  Over and over again, election after election, campaign after campaign, promise after promise, the American people continue to play a losing game of voting against one another, instead of standing with each other.  Each attempt to change the game by voting fails again and again, yet each time, the American people seem to expect that something will be different this time – insanity at its peak!

Fat Rats in a Cheese Factory
Just like a bunch of fat rats in a cheese factory, the politicians in Washington are as happy as they can be!  They sit back and watch the gerbils (the American people) run feverishly on a wheel that takes them nowhere at all after having expended so much energy.  They watch the little gerbils, navigate all the colorful gerbil tubes of the political process, only to find that after all that traveling, they are still in a cage.  So, what do the American people do?  The run to the ballot boxes every two and four years, casting their votes against each other.  The politicians are very helpful in the instigation of hatred and division.  They periodically make appearances on the media stage, with performances that fuel the division between the people.  Then they disappear behind the curtains of dinners, discussions, and debates, to assure the people that they are working on their behalf, and just as planned, the divisions between the people are now wider than they have ever been.  This is great news for the politicians, because as long as the people are divided, they will vote every two and four years so that they will have funding for more dinners, discussions, and debates that get absolutely nothing done!

The conclusion is short and exact.  A vote for a political party and politician is a vote for your own demise, because you are giving signature to the process that is killing you!  The only way to effect change in America is the way it was done in the 60s via the civil rights movement – the unity of the people!

The Gerbil Mentality

I am not going to sugar-coat anything in this post.  I will get straight to the point and share with you some information that will revolutionize your life if you will be willing to hear.  I have been thinking and meditating on the spiritual condition of humanity at large; specifically, us in America.  The general results of my analysis is that the majority of Americans are living in a daze; like mindless zombies who walk around without realizing they are dead!  But this is not the picture you are sold by society; no, no, no!  You are made to feel as though you are “normal” and that you “fit in”, and are given names and titles in support of this idea like: “Great American” and “Model Citizen”.  These names sound good, and they are labels that identify you as one of us!  This is not totally a bad thing though.  I mean, really, I want to surround myself by Great Americans and Model Citizens because the alternatives are much less appealing… and hazardous to my safety, peace of mind and general welfare, if you know what I mean.

So, why do I say we Americans are for the most part, walking around in a daze?  Because we are.  We have sacrificed our free will and ability to think for ourselves in order to be “normal” according to society which includes the aspect of religion.  We are sold the social package that says if you believe what government and religion tells you without question, then you are “normal” and are “one of us”!  If you are one who seeks truth… real truth, then you have to question things like our World View, Form of Government and Established Religions.  Why question them? Because I am one of a few people on this planet who believes and knows there is more to life, living and existence than what is taught in school, extracted from sermons, leaked by the media and revealed in the State of the Union address!  Sadly, most of us live our entire lives in reliance on these sources alone.  They believe what they are told, they live how they are told and yes, they even think how they are told!  Just like gerbils on a wheel, in a cage!

Have you ever watched a gerbil? They are cute, furry and tons of entertainment for the masters who keep them locked inside an illusion of freedom. Why do I say an illusion of freedom? Because the gerbil is made to think it is in a natural environment because the masters have provided pacifying luxuries to keep it happy and content.  For example, the gerbil wheel is there to allow the gerbil to exercise and stay fit for the ongoing illusion of freedom by tricking him into thinking he is running, but he is actually going nowhere and just… spinning his wheels!  He was designed and created to be free to roam and live without boundaries in an open and free environment, but the masters have taken the real freedom away and replaced it with a false freedom that keeps the little guy busy and occupied, wearing himself out, but going nowhere!

They even have gerbil cities!  These are large gerbil homes that the masters have provided for the gerbil at the low cost of dumbed-down thinking, blind-acceptance of whatever is given and the ongoing entertainment of living in the illusion.  The gerbil city has lots of tubes that cross, intertwine and intersect that gives the gerbil the illusion that it is freely roaming around in very upscale, polished and colorful tunnels.  Right on schedule, the gerbil will navigate the false tunnels in search of the food and water provided by the masters.  These yuppie gerbils have no idea that their journeys have all been done inside a cage that keeps them bound and confined at the very same time they think they have the ultimate freedom!

Why am I telling you this?  Because I don’t want you to end up like the gerbil; living in an illusion of freedom without the knowledge that it is actually NOT free!

You must understand that this life we have been given by God, our Creator is much more valuable than society wants you to believe.  You were created with purpose, power and spiritual provision to accomplish pure greatness in your span of life on this planet and in this time.  If you are not careful, society and its standards for normality, will keep you from achieving your greatness and the ability to use who you are to be a blessing to others.

No, I am not saying that you should be a wild-haired maverick and break all the rules of social order.  America is a wonderful place and I enjoy being an American with all my heart! But I am saying that you should be free enough to think for yourself, and question things that don’t make sense (which, by-the-way is a right of American citizenship).  The gerbil; in contrast, accepts whatever the masters give him because he has been tricked into believing that the creators of his illusion have his best intrest in mind; when actually, the masters only want to be entertained by the cute stupidity of the gerbil!

We are not gerbils, we are spiritual beings created by a spiritual Creator.  We are intelligent and profound.  We are elegant and wonderful. We are special and destined for greatness. Stop blindly accepting everything you are told by Washington Politicians, Media Personalities and Religious Leaders!

Research what politicians say so that their scare-tactics don’t have you running on a wheel in a cage!

Research for yourself what the media passes on to you as information and news; so that you are not waiting for the masters to drop food and water into the illusory cage of trust for you to consume and blindly accept!

Study the bible and other resources from history, archeology and science to see for yourself if the religious leaders are actually presenting you with the Word of God; so that you know for yourself if you are living in the light and love of God, and not deceiving yourself in the polished and colorful tubes of false hope and religion.

Do you think for yourself, with your own mind?  Or, do you have a “Gerbil Mentality” where you blindly accept whatever you are told for the entertainment of the masters and at the expense of your real freedom?