Wednesday, August 1, 2012
August Madness!
This has been a very interesting week with all the nonsense about Chik-Fil-A! Neither the supporters or protestors won anything. In fact, there was only one winner... Chik-Fil-A! I am sure their accounting staff is working overtime to count all the money they made off of so many people's prejudices and hatred for one another.
To my LGBT brothers and sisters, why allow the opinion of one person,
who is no better than anyone else, get you so upset? People all over the world have varying views of one sort or another. If you don't like what a company does or stands for, just don't do business with them... it works!
And to my religious brothers and sisters, how ridiculously self-righteous of you to pick one thing you consider a "great sin", and try to make a public display of the people who support it! If you do a little research, the word "sin" means "to offend". How many people did you offend with all the negative comments, and signs with words of condemnation written all over them?
Tell me this, what restaurant are you going eat to stand against liars, gossipers, people who hold grudges, those who refuse to forgive, adulterers, people who use profanity, those who drive past the hungry and homeless just to make to church on time? The expression of God's love is an unconditional giving of one's self to be a blessing to others, especially those who need that love the most. I saw very little love today, in all the "protesting" that went on. But then again, this is all just my opinion. So if you want to protest what I am saying, I know of a restaurant or two that serves some awesome veggie burgers!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
It's Time To "Grow Up"
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Image By: JunBum Park |
Every human being born to this planet is here for a purpose. Each of us have our own purpose, and are each gifted/equipped accordingly, to fulfill it. Yes, when we were born, we were prepackaged with the full potential to become, and excel at who we ARE as individual pieces of the whole body of humanity. The thing to remember is that we were born with the "potential to become", which indicates that there is a process that must take place to prepare us for the "becoming".
Take a baby plant for example (also see my post There's A Tree In That Seed! ). A seed is planted, and after a period of time, it produces a sprout, a very small version of the full plant. It has all the characteristics of the full plant, it is made up of the same material as the full plant, and in fact, it is the off-spring of the full plant; however, it is not yet a full plant - but it does have the potential.
This concept is also applicable to humans being the off-spring of God. We are made in the image and likeness of God (Spirit), we are made of the same material as God (Spirit), and we even have the characteristics of God (Free-will, Creative Thought, Expression of Love, etc.); however, we are not initially able to perform at the level of God - but that does not mean that we never can!
Experiencing life on earth is the means by which we learn various lessons that shape us, mold us, and draw out of us the awesome potential to express the God in us, in a God-like manner. Life matures us, and strengthens us spiritually. Life teaches us hard lessons that builds our character, sharpens our minds, and increases our wisdom. If we allow it, life grows us up to "perfection", "maturity", so that we can fully express the nature of God inside us - this is how the world is able to SEE God!
When we are baby spirits, we only have the "potential" to be like fully matured spirits. When we become fully matured spirits through the process of growth in the living of life, we are then able to do what fully matured spirits do! We can love, unconditionally. We can forgive, genuinely. We can demonstrate the person of God through our very own lives. Jesus said it like this... "when you have seen me, you have seen the Father!". Yes, we can also say the same thing, because spiritual maturity brings you into oneness with God our Creator, our Father and, when we express God's love to others, we ourselves are expressing the very person of God - when they see us, they see the Father!
Look at the world around you right now. Our planet is full of hatred, division, separatism, wars, and outright evil. The only way to make a difference in this world is by being different from the world. Our lives need to express the opposite of what the world expresses by its own nature, we need to express the nature of God. Love, compassion, unity, and peace. This is what is needed by all of humanity, but they can only get it from those who have awakened their hearts and minds to the possibility of living "God-like".
For the sake of all humanity, it's time to "Grow Up!".
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Unboxing Process
From the day we were born, we were all placed inside some sort of ideological box, and most of us have been plunged into to numerous boxes. Religious, political, scientific, sociological, and many other boxes, have been the foundation of whom we have become as individuals.
Boxes are designed to restrict, isolate, and restrain. They hold us prisoner to ideals that limit our opportunity to grow beyond where we are. Boxes are also deceptive, as they tend to cause those inside to feel superior to those outside the box. This is because while inside a box, the only thing you know is inside that box, and soon you master its offerings because the offerings are so limited. Instead of looking for a way to go beyond the box, most people simply stay there and demean anyone else who is not in there with them. They feel as though they have attained the ultimate knowledge, and anyone who does not choose to get in, and stay in that box is an outsider.
We have to be very careful, because everyone of us is, at this very moment in some sort of idealogical box. Some are content where they are and refuse to move on right now, and others of us are transitioning to the next larger box that expands and builds our knowledge, and spirituality; in short, we are "unboxing" ourselves. This unboxing will continue until we step outside the final box, and into a state of spirituality and awareness where "labels" are no longer needed.
As long as we feel the need to label ourselves, we have not attained the pure spirituality. Even those of us who profess to be on an enlightened path are in boxes that are labeled with "Conscious", "Aware", "Awakened", etc. There is nothing wrong with these labels, but as with all labels, they were created for boxes! One day soon, many will experience a shift in consciousness that will eliminate the need for any labels, and consequently, the boxes that go with them. One day we will cease to be a something or another, and simply BE!
Until then, never be content with the status quo, mundane, and mediocre. Always push and strive to step outside your current box, and into the next level of growth and experience that will lead you ultimately to your final unboxing.
Peace, light, and love to you all!
Boxes are designed to restrict, isolate, and restrain. They hold us prisoner to ideals that limit our opportunity to grow beyond where we are. Boxes are also deceptive, as they tend to cause those inside to feel superior to those outside the box. This is because while inside a box, the only thing you know is inside that box, and soon you master its offerings because the offerings are so limited. Instead of looking for a way to go beyond the box, most people simply stay there and demean anyone else who is not in there with them. They feel as though they have attained the ultimate knowledge, and anyone who does not choose to get in, and stay in that box is an outsider.
We have to be very careful, because everyone of us is, at this very moment in some sort of idealogical box. Some are content where they are and refuse to move on right now, and others of us are transitioning to the next larger box that expands and builds our knowledge, and spirituality; in short, we are "unboxing" ourselves. This unboxing will continue until we step outside the final box, and into a state of spirituality and awareness where "labels" are no longer needed.
As long as we feel the need to label ourselves, we have not attained the pure spirituality. Even those of us who profess to be on an enlightened path are in boxes that are labeled with "Conscious", "Aware", "Awakened", etc. There is nothing wrong with these labels, but as with all labels, they were created for boxes! One day soon, many will experience a shift in consciousness that will eliminate the need for any labels, and consequently, the boxes that go with them. One day we will cease to be a something or another, and simply BE!
Until then, never be content with the status quo, mundane, and mediocre. Always push and strive to step outside your current box, and into the next level of growth and experience that will lead you ultimately to your final unboxing.
Peace, light, and love to you all!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
All "Boxed" In!
Inside the Box
Actually, I was discussing (with myself) the concept of "boxes" that we create for ourselves, in religion, politics, and in our general world-views. These boxes, are inherently vessels of confinement, parameters, and boundaries that people ultimately become afraid of crossing - basically, boxes are catalysts of fear. To be inside a box, one must mentally surrender to the idea that the box contains the "truth" concerning what the box represents. For example, one may be inside the Christian box, or, the Catholic box, or, the Democratic box, or, the Republican box. In either case, the people inside these ideological boxes have convinced themselves that anyone who is not in that same box, have not been exposed to the "truth".
The box is a confined space that limits the scope of what a person is willing to expose themselves to. In other words, people who are inside an ideological box, have no desire to come out. They are quite content, residing inside a place of limited opportunities, while outside the box itself is the unrestricted space of unlimited possibilities! Yes, people who live inside boxes, cut themselves off from their God-ordained right, and purpose of limitless capabilities in unrestricted thought!
Outside the Box
Belief systems of any kind are simply "boxes" at the core, boxes that restrict freedom of thought. Once a person realizes this, he/she can then begin their journey toward true liberation, enlightenment, and inner-peace.
The problem we have is that our physical body anchors us to this very physical dimension, so that we can exist under current earth conditions. The physical aspect of our being, is, in and of itself, a box, a cage that restricts our physical bodies to the confines of the material world.
However, there is something truly awesome about us (humanity), we ARE NOT our bodies! We exist as spiritual beings inside our bodies. We are divine sparks of our Divine Creator, and we are composed of the same stuff as the Creator is! This means, that while our bodies exist on the physical plain of time and space, the TRUE person we ARE, has access to the eternally unrestricted, and universal space, which is outside the physical box we call human life! So, while our bodies have to adhere to the rules, parameters, and restrictions of physical earth existence, our minds can rise above the physical, to enjoy unrestricted peace, power, love, and light in the eternal space!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Three Dreams, One Night!
Last night, I had three dreams that I consider significant. I am posting them in this blog post now because the message is not just for me. In the coming days, I will give what I know to be the interpretation for me; however, if you would like to leave a comment with your thoughts, I welcome it. Peace, love, and light to you all!
I was standing in what looked like a dark, dirty locker room, with dirt
and filth everywhere. But I was clean already, and was carrying a basket of
clean clothes, and was trying to find a way into the next room where there was
plenty of light, and people who were living life. It seemed I knew a familiar
way out, but as I took that path, I found myself going deeper into the dark
dirty locker room with my basket of clean clothes. I remember getting very frustrated, and
decided that I was getting out of there no matter what. It was dark, dirty, and
I needed to get out! Immediately, I saw
a room right next to the one I was in, and it was full of a very bright light,
I could see people moving about, and I heard sounds of joyful living! As I made my way toward the room, standing at
the door was a huge, dirty, filthy, rat that was about the size of man. The rat saw me coming out of the darkness,
and became enraged! It took off running right toward me, and all I could think
to do is put the basket of clean clothes between me and the rat as a barrier. I
remember being quite confident that the basket of clothes would be enough to
stop the rat, but it wasn't. The rat
actually used the basket of clean clothes I was carrying as a ladder to climb
up and attack my head, which it latched on to with a vice-like grip! It was
clear, that this rat used this basket of clothes before to get to the heads of
others. After this, I woke up and
immediately began to write these things down.
Dream #1 - People Trying to
kill me but I was protected by those in the crowd so I could keep my promises.
In this dream, I was in a
familiar place, one I had been to before. It was where I was supposed to be,
but the people there where trying to find me and kill me. They did not understand the kind of person I
was. They did not know the good and love in my heart, and they didn't care. All
they could think about is ending my life, and keeping me from the promises and
commitments I had made. I was desperately seeking a woman whom I loved intensely.
I had to see her because I told her that I would see her again. But people were
doing their best to end my life. They beat me, they smashed me with all kinds
of items, and they shot me with powerful guns... but I kept surviving and
living. All the attacks were taking
their toll, I was bleeding profusely, in great pain, and felt life slipping
away, but they could never bring me to the point of death. It was then that a
man on the inside of the house where I went to find this beloved woman was
called because he actually had the ability to kill me for sure. He came out of
the house with a very powerful gun that seemed to shake the earth when he shot
it into the air! I had never seen this man before, but I could literally feel
his dark desire to kill me, and the pleasure he felt just thinking about it -
these were very dark feelings, and he enjoyed every bit! He put his powerful
gun right into the temple of my head, pulled the trigger, and it sounded like
an explosion had gone off, I was hit... but I was not dead! The man became furious, because the impact of
his weapon was minimized by some men in the crowd who had gathered to watch my
death. These men would appear from the midst of the crowd, quickly speak:
"he is not to be killed!", and then disappear back into the crowd,
each time the man tried to give me the kill shot! I waited what seemed an eternity for the
people in the house to tell the woman I loved to come out because I was there.
Then, she came out of the dark house, and I could feel the love she had for me,
because it was filled with this strange intensity that I cannot explain but to
say... genuine! I couldn't see her face,
but I loved her deeply. She then brought
out two small children, they looked like my grandchildren, but they weren't -
these were my children, to whom I had made profound promises to. I was alive
for them, and l finally, got to hug them, kiss them, and tell them how much I
loved them. They were very sad to see me
so battered, but they were extremely happy to see me anyway. Then I said to them: "I told you I would
keep my promises!” This is when I found
myself inside Dream #2...
Dream #2 - Working out in weight
room on machines without any weight.
I was in a fitness center, it
was one that I had gone to before, and had obviously been a member of. I had actually left it, but for some reason I
was still there trying to get a good workout.
I was working out on a familiar machine that was way to easy for
me. So I checked the weight and found
that there was no amount of weight selected, so I put the maximum amount of
weights on, hoping that this would give me some kind of resistance; however,
even with all the weight on, the machine felt as though it had none! Then I overheard two ladies who were watching
me, they were speaking exactly what I was thinking as if my mind was in sync
with their words. They said: "He'll
get no workout on those machines; he needs to be over here!” So, as I was walking over to the other side,
I told the ladies that I knew what they were saying, and they looked at me and
said: "We know you knew! It's about time you came over here where you can
get a workout". I was about to get
on a machine, but one of the ladies was still on it. I remember seeing how fulfilled
and happy she was to be getting so much from the workout. I could see her sweat
all over the machine, so I told her to let me know when she got done with that
one, because I had so many more machines to workout with on this side. As I started walking to another machine, I
found myself inside Dream #3...
Dream #3 - Carrying a basket
of clean clothes in a dark dirty place but able to see light in the next room.
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