In this short posting, I am going to share with you something I had to identify within myself and overcome, spiritual selfishness! Please understand that this message is for "Whomever it is for!" and, that it is not for everyone, so please don't take it personal. Thank you! :)
Awakening to Truth and Reality, is a life event that causes one to never be the same again. It is a wonderful time, a glorious time, and a time of great celebration of ones' self. But, as with any good thing, there is always a counter-measure waiting to manifest itself to drain you of the positive energy you have just gained! The counter-measure I want to discuss today, is that of "Selfishness".
Selfishness, is a very covert creature which is adept at the art of spiritual infiltration. In other words, one has to be very conscious and aware, because selfishness will sneak up on you, take you by surprise, and you will be none-the-wiser until after someone has been hurt!
Once we have received our awakening, the excitement drives us to want to share our newly-realized state of being with everyone we can. We speak to people directly, face-to-face or by phone. We send emails and letters. We post on Facebook and Twitter. The venue through which we share does not matter, but the way in which we share does.
It is perfectly fine to give out those beautiful pearls of wisdom and spiritual insight to all within your sphere of influence; this can be called planting seeds in peoples' lives, or gently shaking those who are asleep. Our words should be those of Love, Insight, Encouragement, and even Instruction. This is all good, until someone we are sharing with does not seem to appreciate what we are saying. Perhaps they disagree completely or, they simply can't get that particular light to turn on - right now. This is where spiritual selfishness "creeps" into the picture under the guise of "preserving our light"! We "disconnect" from those people, rationalizing that their negative energy will drain us! This is NOT good, because, being spirits of higher-consciousness, we have been gifted with not only perception, but also POWER! Our higher vibration and level of consciousness elevates us into positions of spiritual strength, whereby we are empowered to be resilient against negative attacks, if we are prepared through meditation, prayer, fasting, and other disciplines that increase our spiritual ability! This is why Jesus did not walk away from people who were possessed with dark spirits... he set those people free!
You see, in a very noble effort to protect our energy levels, we disconnect from the very people who are supposed to BENEFIT from our energy levels! We do this in a very selfish attempt to protect our SELF, and in doing so, we isolate the very people we are here to assist as Light-workers! It's very selfish because, when we do this, we are only thinking of ourselves, and not the person(s) being disconnected! Who, but a person of higher vibration and consciousness, can reach a person of lower vibration and consciousness? If we all disconnect from the people who need us, then how will they ever grow to ascension? Even more importantly, how do you disconnect from someone you are spiritually ONE with by means of the one SOURCE? To disconnect from even one of our brothers/sisters, is to disconnect from SELF! Can you see the madness in this kind of thinking?
So, please, be very "Mindful" of what you say to people. Don't criticize where they are in their life path, appreciate the fact that they are only passing through WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN! Therefore, we have no right to criticize them. Don't make statements of isolation where others are singled out because of their lower vibration - this emanates a spirit of arrogance because, you too vibrated low at one point on your path! Don't make statements on Facebook or use HashTags on Twitter that demean others because they are not "getting it" because, you too, didn't get it at some point on your journey!
Always remember, that when we vibrated low, and were of a lower consciousness, it was people who vibrated high, and who were of higher consciousness, who showed us Love, Patience, Compassion, and Tolerance! We were brash, and did not understand, but they loved us. We asked crazy questions and defended our being asleep as though we were awake, but they loved us. We may have been cruel and in denial but... THEY LOVED US!
Don't be selfish with the wonderful gift of being Awake.
Don't be "Afraid" of being negatively impacted by people of lower vibration. You say, "Hey, I'm not afraid!"; and my answer to you is this, taken from the 2011 movie, The Green Lantern: "Being afraid being afraid, is FEAR!". So, walk in the full power of your God nature, where there is no selfishness and no fear, only Love and Light!
Peace and Love to you all!
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