Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Voting For Your Own Demise!
The Gerbil Mentality
I am not going to sugar-coat anything in this post. I will get straight to the point and share with you some information that will revolutionize your life if you will be willing to hear. I have been thinking and meditating on the spiritual condition of humanity at large; specifically, us in America. The general results of my analysis is that the majority of Americans are living in a daze; like mindless zombies who walk around without realizing they are dead! But this is not the picture you are sold by society; no, no, no! You are made to feel as though you are “normal” and that you “fit in”, and are given names and titles in support of this idea like: “Great American” and “Model Citizen”. These names sound good, and they are labels that identify you as one of us! This is not totally a bad thing though. I mean, really, I want to surround myself by Great Americans and Model Citizens because the alternatives are much less appealing… and hazardous to my safety, peace of mind and general welfare, if you know what I mean.
So, why do I say we Americans are for the most part, walking around in a daze? Because we are. We have sacrificed our free will and ability to think for ourselves in order to be “normal” according to society which includes the aspect of religion. We are sold the social package that says if you believe what government and religion tells you without question, then you are “normal” and are “one of us”! If you are one who seeks truth… real truth, then you have to question things like our World View, Form of Government and Established Religions. Why question them? Because I am one of a few people on this planet who believes and knows there is more to life, living and existence than what is taught in school, extracted from sermons, leaked by the media and revealed in the State of the Union address! Sadly, most of us live our entire lives in reliance on these sources alone. They believe what they are told, they live how they are told and yes, they even think how they are told! Just like gerbils on a wheel, in a cage!
Have you ever watched a gerbil? They are cute, furry and tons of entertainment for the masters who keep them locked inside an illusion of freedom. Why do I say an illusion of freedom? Because the gerbil is made to think it is in a natural environment because the masters have provided pacifying luxuries to keep it happy and content. For example, the gerbil wheel is there to allow the gerbil to exercise and stay fit for the ongoing illusion of freedom by tricking him into thinking he is running, but he is actually going nowhere and just… spinning his wheels! He was designed and created to be free to roam and live without boundaries in an open and free environment, but the masters have taken the real freedom away and replaced it with a false freedom that keeps the little guy busy and occupied, wearing himself out, but going nowhere!
They even have gerbil cities! These are large gerbil homes that the masters have provided for the gerbil at the low cost of dumbed-down thinking, blind-acceptance of whatever is given and the ongoing entertainment of living in the illusion. The gerbil city has lots of tubes that cross, intertwine and intersect that gives the gerbil the illusion that it is freely roaming around in very upscale, polished and colorful tunnels. Right on schedule, the gerbil will navigate the false tunnels in search of the food and water provided by the masters. These yuppie gerbils have no idea that their journeys have all been done inside a cage that keeps them bound and confined at the very same time they think they have the ultimate freedom!
Why am I telling you this? Because I don’t want you to end up like the gerbil; living in an illusion of freedom without the knowledge that it is actually NOT free!
You must understand that this life we have been given by God, our Creator is much more valuable than society wants you to believe. You were created with purpose, power and spiritual provision to accomplish pure greatness in your span of life on this planet and in this time. If you are not careful, society and its standards for normality, will keep you from achieving your greatness and the ability to use who you are to be a blessing to others.
No, I am not saying that you should be a wild-haired maverick and break all the rules of social order. America is a wonderful place and I enjoy being an American with all my heart! But I am saying that you should be free enough to think for yourself, and question things that don’t make sense (which, by-the-way is a right of American citizenship). The gerbil; in contrast, accepts whatever the masters give him because he has been tricked into believing that the creators of his illusion have his best intrest in mind; when actually, the masters only want to be entertained by the cute stupidity of the gerbil!
We are not gerbils, we are spiritual beings created by a spiritual Creator. We are intelligent and profound. We are elegant and wonderful. We are special and destined for greatness. Stop blindly accepting everything you are told by Washington Politicians, Media Personalities and Religious Leaders!
Research what politicians say so that their scare-tactics don’t have you running on a wheel in a cage!
Research for yourself what the media passes on to you as information and news; so that you are not waiting for the masters to drop food and water into the illusory cage of trust for you to consume and blindly accept!
Study the bible and other resources from history, archeology and science to see for yourself if the religious leaders are actually presenting you with the Word of God; so that you know for yourself if you are living in the light and love of God, and not deceiving yourself in the polished and colorful tubes of false hope and religion.
Do you think for yourself, with your own mind? Or, do you have a “Gerbil Mentality” where you blindly accept whatever you are told for the entertainment of the masters and at the expense of your real freedom?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Goodbye "Religion"
I have said goodbye to "religion"! I need to make it perfectly clear though, that I have not said goodbye to Christ, or to God, or to any of my brothers and sisters who choose to follow the religious system. I have said goodbye to the institution of religion, its belief system, and its man-made, and ritualistic practices that keep millions of people around the world, blinded to the truths that Jesus, the Ascended Master was sent to teach and demonstrate, and lay down his life for.
I have been "in church" for most of my life. I have experienced and have been exposed to several christian denominations that believe and teach all sorts of things that have nothing to do with a relationship with God. They do acknowledge God, and the existence of the Divine Spirit; however, this is mostly a part of the marketing campaign to get people to "join church", and be a part of the cycle of powerless routines and rituals that take people totally in the opposite direction physically, mentally, and spiritually, than what Jesus taught and lived! This is what has defined religious systems; it's a religious game of "bait and switch", and I am finished with them!
I have not made this major shift in my life without much prayer, meditation, thought, and inner-reflection. This decision will likely change some the relationships with people I know, and am affiliated with in one way or another. This decision is hugely life-altering, and I am going to express now, why this change is necessary for my life.
I must say that religion has not been a waste of time for me; rather, it has been a teacher and instructor, giving me lessons that help me SEE beneath the surface of this physical experience we know as "life". Therefore, I am not criticizing those who still cling to religious systems and doctrines, because they too are learning, growing, and evolving at their own pace. For me, religion has run its course, and I am moving forward into a life of spiritual relationship with God, and without religion!
The Bondage of Religion
Religions' emphasis on physical behaviors, outward appearances, and feeding of the ego, negates and diminishes the teachings of our Ascended Master...
"he whom the Son sets free is free indeed!" ~ Jesus of Nazareth
Religion at its core promotes bondage of the body, mind, and spirit, through endless rituals, rites, rules, creeds, and doctrines, created by men to "earn" the acceptance by God. People try desperately to win the acceptance and favor of God, by following the rules of man-made religious institutions and denominations, that demand that certain practices be performed "religiously", and that certain rules be followed "religiously". Failure to comply with these religious demands, is all the indication needed, to identify you as someone who is either "unsaved" or "out of the will of God". Then, you are labeled as a "sinner" or a "backslider", one who is "going to hell" if they don't begin to follow or return to the dictates of the religion!
Many people fail at religion, because the natural, and divine tendency we have to be free, stands in strict opposition of religions' attempts to keep us bound!
The Great Contradiction of Religion
Religion is a very self-contradicting concept as we know it today. On the one hand, it speaks of the unconditional love of God for us; however on the other hand, it teaches that you cannot have this love without meeting certain conditions! Either Gods' love is unconditional, or it isn't; it cannot be both ways.
The reality is, we are all loved by God without condition! Man uses religious systems to create separations, and distinctions between us, that our Father does not make! Gods' arms of love are ALWAYS open, and outstretched toward us ALL, bidding each of us to REALIZE and accept the love already granted to us!
Religion teaches people that they must "do things" in order to be loved by God; while in reality, because we ARE loved by God already, we should desire to love others in return. This is the true message of Christ!
Remember this, there is only one thing God requires of EVERYONE, that is, that we LOVE as we ARE LOVED!
Don't Follow Religion, Follow Christ!
Jesus WAS NOT a Christian, he was and IS the Ascended Master of God's Love, he was and IS the Christ who came to teach us ALL how to become masters too! Religious institutions and denominations cripple, and handicap people by failing to teach them how to become masters of the love of God. I am not surprised, because you cannot teach something you don't know, and you cannot share something you don't possess! This is what Paul meant when he said...
Hebrews 5:12
King James Version (KJV)
12For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
Everyone must start somewhere, but we ALL are supposed to graduate to masters at some point! People go to church for years and years, and they never grow beyond their critical, judgmental, negative, and condescending attitudes! Yet, they take communion, pay tithes, and do all the church stuff that makes them feel that God is pleased with their self-righteous ways. It's time to stop deluding ourselves.
The whole reason for having teachers is so they can teach others to become teachers as well! Take a look at this from the bible...
Ephesians 4
New International Version (NIV)
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
You see, we are ALL supposed to attain the mind of Christ, and become masters as he was/is so that we can teach others to become masters as well! As long as we have pastors and teachers who are nothing but "babes" themselves, those congregations they lead, will reflect the nature of those pastors! They will either dwindle as people leave to find truth elsewhere, or they will grow into huge mega-churches, full of people who do church stuff, and talk church stuff, but demonstrate no power of Love!
Of course, there are some people in these churches who have the same calling I do as a Light-Worker on the inside, but the general population of these churches are starving for truth, and have no idea of what they are capable of as the offspring of God!
If you are following a religious institution or system, you need to STOP immediately, and FOLLOW CHRIST, who taught Love, lived Love, and commanded that we only Love God, and one another, and to do so with the love of God!
My Positions and Conclusion
Yes, I am an ordained minister/pastor on the Christian path, but here is what that means for me:
- I AM a follower of Christ, and his teachings of love for God and one another. Jesus is my master teacher, whom I love and adore for the sacrifice he made for the entire world.
- I DO NOT espouse ANY creeds, doctrines, or denominational requirements from any church or organization.
- I AM commissioned by Christ, whom I personally met and received instructions from, to teach the truth, and live a life of unconditional love and complete forgiveness.
- I do attend church services, because I love the people who are there, and the truth they are seeking. It is my calling in life, to be the light of truth, so that others may also do the same.
- I DO NOT use the "fear tactics" of telling people they are going to "hell" if they don't join church!
- I DO NOT teach that God is somewhere "out there" looking down; rather, I teach that God IS, and always has been "WITHIN" us waiting for us to awaken to His presence and be revealed through our lives!
- I teach that "being saved" is being awakened to the truth of Gods' presence within us, and the knowledge of who we ARE because of who our Father IS; the opposite of this is being "lost"!
That's enough for now. There is so much more I can say, and I will do so in other posts, tweets, and Facebook updates.
Peace, Love, Light, Joy, and Grace to you all!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
God Is In The Temple!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Dream: Another LIGHT Explosion!
I was walking with several people in a city. People were buzzing about doing their own thing, until word came that some sort of explosion what expected. Immediately, me and the group I was with headed out of the city. On our way out, a man seemingly appeared in my mind and said, "I have set up another explosion just like the one I set before!". I knew while "in this dream", that the man was referring to the explosion that went off in My First Explosion Dream! As we continued to leave the city, the explosion occurred! It was not an explosion of devastation, rather, it was an explosion of LIGHT! The city was extremely dark, and I remember the energy from the explosion surrounding us, but not destroying us. We were walking upon a box-like building on our way, and a beautiful woman came out of the building. When she did, the energy of the explosion surrounded her, and filled her, until she was transformed before our eyes into a being of LIGHT! I looked at the city from a distance, and saw that the LIGHT explosion was an ongoing event that affected everyone who came out of the box-like buildings in the city. I could even see the radiating LIGHT covering the city, but NOT entering into the box-like buildings.
I was calmly awakened from sleep, and went into meditation, at which time I am writing this post. This dream speaks for itself; however, I must express my one personal interpretation: "Come out of your dark Boxes, and enter into the LIGHT!"
Peace, Love, and LIGHT to all of you!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Dream That Changed My Life!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
There's A Tree In That Seed!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Fantastic Pictures
I love this picture because it almost calls out to me. I feel a connection to it in a way. I can't explain it, but it makes me feel connected to the universe!
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Gears of Life!

This post is a consolidation of a flow of tweets from my Twitter timeline. The thoughts were simply flowing from my spirit, and I thought I would capture them into this post so many others can share in its message. I pray that it is a blessing to you!
Everything in the universe is cyclical. This is the design of the Creator, and there is a rotational order to everything, and we, as human beings are no different. This life we live is a cycle, which happens to be part of an even larger cycle.
Consider the heavenly order of things. Galaxies, solar systems, stars, moons, and planets ALL have cycles they adhere to. The earth, our spiritual mother has a cycle that we ARE in the midst of right now. As she changes according to her cycle, we also change according our cycles within that larger cycle. This means that we are connected to the cycles of the earth. Think of 2 gear wheels. Their cycles depend on the two of them being connected. Movement in either gear, will cause a reciprocal movement in the other. Neither can complete their cycle without the other being connected. This is the same kind of connection we have with the earth. We need her; as she changes, we change. As we change, she changes. Right now, I FEEL this change! The cycles are in progress and the completion of both our cycles is VERY near!
Now, let's apply this concept. Each of us is a gear in this life. We are all connected to one another, and each of us affects the cycles of others we are directly or even indirectly connected to. Some gears are larger than others, so it takes more time to complete their cycles, while the smaller gears connected to them finish more quickly. Even though different size gears finish their cycles at different times, THEY ARE ALWAYS CONNECTED! The smaller gear finishes its cycle, and begins a new cycle, while the larger gear is still in its first cycle, yet... they are still connected!
People of lower vibrations and consciousness are LARGE gears. Their large mass is determined by all the baggage and negative karma they carry around. People of higher vibrations and consciousness are SMALL gears. Their small mass is determined by their freedom from negative karma and the lack of excess life baggage. So, the large gear people take a much longer time to complete their cycle of ascension to the next level of consciousness because there is more they have to work out. The small gear people will finish their cycle of ascension very quickly, and begin their next cycle. But even though these people are on different cycles, THEY REMAIN CONNECTED to complete an even greater cycle they are BOTH a part of!
Now that you know how intrinsically tied together we are, it is imperative that we Love and aid one another in life, understanding that even though we may be on different spiritual levels, we still need each other to survive!
Peace and Love to you all!
The Subtlety of Selfishness
Awakening to Truth and Reality, is a life event that causes one to never be the same again. It is a wonderful time, a glorious time, and a time of great celebration of ones' self. But, as with any good thing, there is always a counter-measure waiting to manifest itself to drain you of the positive energy you have just gained! The counter-measure I want to discuss today, is that of "Selfishness".
Selfishness, is a very covert creature which is adept at the art of spiritual infiltration. In other words, one has to be very conscious and aware, because selfishness will sneak up on you, take you by surprise, and you will be none-the-wiser until after someone has been hurt!
Once we have received our awakening, the excitement drives us to want to share our newly-realized state of being with everyone we can. We speak to people directly, face-to-face or by phone. We send emails and letters. We post on Facebook and Twitter. The venue through which we share does not matter, but the way in which we share does.
It is perfectly fine to give out those beautiful pearls of wisdom and spiritual insight to all within your sphere of influence; this can be called planting seeds in peoples' lives, or gently shaking those who are asleep. Our words should be those of Love, Insight, Encouragement, and even Instruction. This is all good, until someone we are sharing with does not seem to appreciate what we are saying. Perhaps they disagree completely or, they simply can't get that particular light to turn on - right now. This is where spiritual selfishness "creeps" into the picture under the guise of "preserving our light"! We "disconnect" from those people, rationalizing that their negative energy will drain us! This is NOT good, because, being spirits of higher-consciousness, we have been gifted with not only perception, but also POWER! Our higher vibration and level of consciousness elevates us into positions of spiritual strength, whereby we are empowered to be resilient against negative attacks, if we are prepared through meditation, prayer, fasting, and other disciplines that increase our spiritual ability! This is why Jesus did not walk away from people who were possessed with dark spirits... he set those people free!
You see, in a very noble effort to protect our energy levels, we disconnect from the very people who are supposed to BENEFIT from our energy levels! We do this in a very selfish attempt to protect our SELF, and in doing so, we isolate the very people we are here to assist as Light-workers! It's very selfish because, when we do this, we are only thinking of ourselves, and not the person(s) being disconnected! Who, but a person of higher vibration and consciousness, can reach a person of lower vibration and consciousness? If we all disconnect from the people who need us, then how will they ever grow to ascension? Even more importantly, how do you disconnect from someone you are spiritually ONE with by means of the one SOURCE? To disconnect from even one of our brothers/sisters, is to disconnect from SELF! Can you see the madness in this kind of thinking?
So, please, be very "Mindful" of what you say to people. Don't criticize where they are in their life path, appreciate the fact that they are only passing through WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN! Therefore, we have no right to criticize them. Don't make statements of isolation where others are singled out because of their lower vibration - this emanates a spirit of arrogance because, you too vibrated low at one point on your path! Don't make statements on Facebook or use HashTags on Twitter that demean others because they are not "getting it" because, you too, didn't get it at some point on your journey!
Always remember, that when we vibrated low, and were of a lower consciousness, it was people who vibrated high, and who were of higher consciousness, who showed us Love, Patience, Compassion, and Tolerance! We were brash, and did not understand, but they loved us. We asked crazy questions and defended our being asleep as though we were awake, but they loved us. We may have been cruel and in denial but... THEY LOVED US!
Don't be selfish with the wonderful gift of being Awake.
Don't be "Afraid" of being negatively impacted by people of lower vibration. You say, "Hey, I'm not afraid!"; and my answer to you is this, taken from the 2011 movie, The Green Lantern: "Being afraid being afraid, is FEAR!". So, walk in the full power of your God nature, where there is no selfishness and no fear, only Love and Light!
Peace and Love to you all!
Be Careful of Being Competitive!
There is a way you can stay away from the negative forms of competition. You do this by loving and appreciating others for their gifts, and who they are in this existence! This means we must not allow envy, jealousy, and the like to color our view of others. When we fail to appreciate a persons’ gifts, we put ourselves in a position of envy and jealousy. If that happens, then we allow this low energy to move us into competing with that person for the love and attention they receive naturally by flowing in their gift. We stress ourselves trying to be better than they are, and guess what? I never happens. We then become even more frustrated, and try harder and harder to be the best at something we were never created for! Yes, competition can be a very negative and low energy for you!
So, learn to appreciate others. Love people for their uniqueness and the beautiful qualities they add to this existence. And most of all, BE WHO YOU ARE! Bring your own uniqueness and special qualities to this existence, and watch how others will love and appreciate you for who you are!
Dream: The Explosion Is Coming!
I was somewhere in my city, Indianapolis, IN, and I was with a very close friend that I could not physically see though he was clearly with me. We conversed about a huge event that was on the verge of taking place, and how so many people made light of it and were not prepared. Then, I was given a device. I don't know where it came from, but all of a sudden I could see it, and I had the awareness in myself, that I had this device all the time, but just could not see it! It seemed that this device was FULL of some kind of POWER, and though I was in possession of it, it was really NOT just for me, in fact, it belonged to EVERYONE else as a possession also!
My friend said, "It's time for it to go off!". So, I immediately told him we have to make sure as many people as possible were in safe places so that they would be protected from the blast! There were lots of tunnels already built into the surrounding area, and inside each tunnel was a person or two who also knew what was going on, but I had not talked to them! People, men, women, and children, started flocking to these tunnels for safety inside the earth. Not everyone went it into the tunnels but the tunnels still had plenty of space. It was as if people couldn't see the tunnels, even though they were right there in plain view.
Then my friend said, "Get it ready to blow, because if we don't do it ourselves, a great devastation will occur!". This was very odd to me because I thought we would be harmed by this device that seemed to be connected to everyone, but actually, we needed the device to go off to save us! So, I set the device and it started counting down from 5 minutes. I know this because when I looked at the device, it read 4:57 and was going downward.
Then my friend said, "We have to go in!". So we went deep underground, and when we got there, we saw several guys working very diligently. I don't know why they were there, but we told them that there was going to be a huge explosion. They said, "We know, come this way, shut the door and lock it!". Then we went in, shut the door, and locked it. I was a HUGE door which looked like it was made to accomodate LOTS of people coming through at once, but it was so easy to handle.
Once inside and secure, the explosion when off! There was a VIBRATION and a wave of ENERGY with a golden LIGHT traversing the sky! I don't know how we were able to see the sky being so deep inside, but we did!
Then my friend said, "It's over, we can go back out!". I remember thinking that there must be nuclear fallout and radiation to be concerned about, but my friend just lead the way outside. When we got out, there was NO DEVASTATION but everything on earth had CHANGED. People were still alive but I remember some of them needed respirators in order to survive this new environment - but we didn't! Someone rushed up to me and said, "you have to put this on!". So, I did, but there was no need for it. It was as if I was completely at home in the new environment while others needed the respirators to survive.
I remember going from house to house checking on the people inside. We went to this one house, and the lady inside was experiencing great physical pain because ALL OF A SUDDEN her body was changing! Then, I felt a strange sensation in my right hand, and when I looked at it, it was glowing with a golden light and something was in the center of it. I remember touching the lady with my hand, and telling her she would be alright, and then leaving.
Then, I found myself in the midst of a lot of people, even close relatives, who was not aware of my presence. They were laughing, and mocking the event as if it were funny. Then, I said, "It's not funny to those who were sitting in their dining rooms when this happened!". Then, the laughing and mocking stopped as if they heard a voice but could not see the person speaking.
This is when I woke up, got myself together and wrote this post. The only interpretation I feel I am supposed to give, is that we should all be getting ready for the EXPLOSION!
Peace and blessing to you all!
Dream: Share What You Know With Others!
I found myself in a place where people were flocking from one place to another looking for answers. Something big was obviously taking place and affecting the entire world, and people were trying to find out what it was and how they could be a part of it. I myself did not fully understand what was going on but I remember having some knowledge about what was happening, and when people discovered that I had the slightest clue, they came running to find out what I knew. So, I began to share, teach, help, bless, and love these people with what I had to offer. I remember that everyone was given a sort of message on the inside of them. I was simply showing them where the message located and then they moved on. There was this one young lady who came to the meeting, who was very discouraged, and locked herself in a small room that was very dark. After I had helped all the other people who came that day, and they moved on to their next destination, I felt an intense weight and burden as if someone was left out! Then I remembered the young lady. Where was she? What happened to her? I was then on a mission to find her because I could feel her energy draining. I looked everywhere until I came upon a box; it was just large enough to hold a person. I opened the door, and as a flood of light filled the box, the young lady stepped out in tears proclaiming that she didn't have what everyone else had, and that she could not move on! I remember speaking to her very persuasively, trying to get her to see that she too had a message on the inside just like everyone else. She then showed me a message that was written and said, "see, this is the only thing I have - it's useless!". I immediately recognized that she did indeed have a message that would give her instructions for her next destination; however, the message had been scrambled! Someone took the message she had inside and changed it to something that was not intended for her. I then smiled and said, "You do have the message. it's just that it's been scrambled!". I showed her how to put the message together correctly, because she had to do that for herself. She did, and then she happily departed toward her next destination.
This dream left me thinking that there are some of us who have vital information for people who are seeking the truth. Yes, each one of us has God in us, but some are not aware of or do not fully understand this. We have to help people who need love, insight, and wisdom find the answers that lie within them. We can only point them in the right direction, only they can come to the realization for themselves; but, we must be willing to use the gifts, talents, knowledge and light we have been given to assist others on their journey!
Peace and blessings to you all!
I Have Something to Say About "You"!
Recently, I decided to give a non-scientific survey of a small sampling of people and ask a very simple question: "Who are you?". The answers ranged from what a person's name was to what a person did for a living. I asked the question because I dare say, most people have no idea who they are! They know their name, they know what they do for a living, they know their role in the home and they know their nationality but, they don't know who they are. Let me explain by asking you the same question. Who are "you"?
I am referring to the "you" who says things like: "this is my hand" or, these are my eyes or more emphatically, this is my body and mymind. Well, if these things are "yours" and they belong to "you", then, who are "you"? "You" are obviously not these things because you claim them as your property. If your body is "yours" and it belongs to "you", then, who are "you"?
Listen to this passage of scripture...
Psalms 139:14:
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
God is being praised because the psalmist recognizes the wonderfully, fabulous way he was made. He is giving honor to God for creating him in such a spectacular fashion! But, how was he made? Take a look at this very familiar passage of scripture...
Genesis 1:26:
And God said , Let us make man in our image , after our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea , and over the fowl of the air , and over the cattle , and over all the earth , and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
According to this, man was created in the "image" and "likeness" of God and, not only that, but man was also given at the same time the authority to rule this planet and everything in/on it! So, my understanding of his passage is that God created us in His "image" which means we are created with the same attributes and qualities as God, and we were created in His "likeness" which means we have the same capabilities as God. Great! But there is one more question to ask: Who is God? We look like Him and have power like Him, so we must know and understand who He is before we can grasp in the slightest who we are! Take a look at this last passage for this sharing message...
John 4:24:
God is a Spirit : and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Ok, now we are getting somewhere! If God is "spirit" and we were made in His image, then, we too are spirit! Now, because we are spirit, we have the ability to do things "like" Him; hence, we are created in His likeness.
Therefore, we are spirit beings endowed with the attributes and abilities of God. We are NOT God! But, we are like God. So, when I ask the question, who are "you"? You must think about who you are from the spiritual perspective because spirit is what you are! "You" live in your body. "You" think with your mind. "You" exist in this physical world through the vehicle of the physical form. But the physical form and existence is NOT "you"!
You may be named "Tony", but who are "you"? You may be someones' father or mother, but who are "you"? You may work as an engineer or a public servant, but who are "you"?
Once you discover the real and spiritual "you", the door will be open for you to become everything you are capable of but up to now have not realized. I leave you with the question... Who Are "You"?